Monday, September 14, 2015

She is clothed.... motto.  And honestly one of the bible verses that keeps me going on a daily basis. Many times I would LOVE to give people a piece of my mind but honestly I would rather not burn a bridge unnecessarily.  I've learned, over the years, that most of the time it's better to be kind than right. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Grants, reports and sunshine.

I'm relaunching my blog with a new title! 

It is fall----which means a lot of things: new school year, football, leaves and pumpkins.  But for me it is the most hectic season of grant writing and reports.   Today I'm enjoying a duel screen method with a large dose of sunshine. 
My goal is to be thankful every day for God's grace. Today I'm thankful for sunshine and peaceful days....what are YOU thankful for today???